Hello friends I have given you a very nice application in this post. From where you can earn for free.
I will tell you all the details about this application in this post so you must watch this post patiently.
First, download the application by clicking on the link given below.
Then open and login with any of your Gmail ID. When the login is complete, you will get the task of installing many applications in front of you.
By doing these tasks you can earn money through paytm wallet.
Here first of all click on one of the tasks and download the application from play store and complete these tasks as per the details given inside the application. Only then you will get Paytm Wallet Cash.
Whenever you have some points you can withdraw to Paytm account.
Here minimum will allow you to withdraw 100 coins. And maximum 1000 points can be withdrawn in one day.
I have provided some photos here to give you a glimpse of what’s inside the app.
If there is any problem then you can watch Top Smart Idea YouTube channel video there you will get video about this app.
Hope you like this post very much. Before you go, definitely leave a comment on how you like the application.
I will come back to you with new applications where you can earn for free.